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Westward ho!

Monday, 11th June 2012

Posted by Arthur

Arthur here – NGF are still recovering after an epic Bank Holiday weekend in the West Country – great music, fantastic people and almost tropical rain storms!

The band made our separate ways from our homes – Poole, Brighton, Luton, Oxford – and those driving braved the solid queues of traffic down to the South West – it seemed like half the population of the UK were on the road with us! Had they all heard about our gigs?

Our first port of call was Bradninch, a beautiful little town near Exeter. Some of the good folk of Bradninch had witnessed the almighty power of NGF on the main stage at Beautiful Days festival last year. When it came to organising a headline band for their Arts Festival, they knew exactly who to call! And what a party it was…

Our trusty soundman Jon and his glamourous assistant Rosie were first on the scene, the rest of us arrived in dribs and drabs (and various states of exhaustion) throughout the day. Festival organiser Stuart and sound engineer Gareth were on the ball and made us feel very welcome.

After hours of driving, moving the kit and then soundchecking, we were all famished (particularly Didge, whose appetite is notorious). We found solace at the White Lion Inn, who rustled us up a last minute supper. By this time, the heavens had really opened – and we were all dreading putting up our tents and spending a miserable night under canvas, and none of us had thought to bring an aqualung. Then…salvation! White Lion landlady Pam, a jewel among women, offered us their function room to kip in! Relief is too mild a word.

Feeling much more relaxed, we trooped on stage and played our hearts out – and the crowd loved it! Everyone threw some shapes on the dancefloor, from little kids to hale old grandads – and the drink flowed! “The best band that have ever been to Bradninch” a local dignitary was heard to say, which was definitely a good news because the old stocks in the town hall looked like they weren’t for ceremonial use only.

We are much indebted to Pam, Mike, Stewart and Sophie at Ye Olde White Lion in Bradninch for all their help and hospitality. Truly a great village pub, and the centre of a strong community. Thank you!

The next day, it was onwards to THE VENUS LOVE EXPERIENCE! A beautiful secluded site near Glastonbury, great people, friends old and new – what was missing? Ah yes, the rain that had followed us up from Devon! Folks, it pissed it down – but nothing could dampen the spirits of the revellers, who saw the bright side of it all.

Kudos to all involved at Venus – particularly Paul Capel from Cat’s Cradle who invited us there in the first place. It was a great festival, and we had a blast! By the time we’d finished our set on Monday afternoon, the rainstorms of Devon and Somerset were a distant memory, and we were united again by our love for our friends, our fans and our music. Go go NGF!

Catch you in the fields soon! x


18 Responses to “Westward ho!”

  1. Iain Quinn says:

    That is a wicked blogg A. Couldn’t of put it better myself!! Know where near actually.

  2. Fil Parisi says:

    Haydn! BLAST from the past….I live in Ilfracombe now wished I’d known you were down this way I would have come to see you…

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